Navigating the Legal Terrain of Stablecoin Regulation

The world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has been rapidly growing in recent years, with the emergence of new platforms and cryptocurrencies. One of the particularly interesting developments in this area is the rise of stablecoins, which are digital currencies designed to remain stable in value rather than fluctuating rapidly like many other cryptocurrencies. However, with any new technology comes the need for regulation, and the status of stablecoins is currently of particular interest to legal and regulatory bodies around the world. In this article, we will navigate the legal terrain of stablecoin regulation and explore the challenges and opportunities of this emerging field.

What are Stablecoins?

Stablecoins are a type of digital currency that is designed to maintain stable value as compared to a predetermined asset like the US dollar, gold or any other asset. This means that the value of a stablecoin is not subject to the speculative buying and selling pressures that often cause the wild swings in price seen in other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Stability makes stablecoins particularly suitable for transactions that require a stable value of payment, for example, online purchases, remittances and micropayments.

Types of Stablecoins

There are three main types of stablecoins – fiat-collateralized, crypto-collateralized and non-collateralized.

Fiat-collateralized stablecoins are backed by traditional fiat currencies, such as the US dollar, held in reserve by the issuer. In simple terms, an issuer would hold one US dollar for each stablecoin that they issue. Examples of these types of stablecoins include Tether (USDT), Gemini Dollar (GUSD), Paxos Standard (PAX).

Crypto-collateralized stablecoins are backed by other cryptocurrencies or crypto assets like Ether, Bitcoin, and others. For each stablecoin issued, the issuer will pledge a certain amount of cryptocurrency that is held by a smart contract as collateral. Examples include MakerDao’s Dai stablecoin, BitShares (BTS), and Havven (HAV).

Non-collateralized stablecoins, also known as algorithmic stablecoins, rely on complex algorithms to maintain price stability. These types of stablecoins are not backed by any asset, neither fiat nor cryptocurrency. The current examples of non-collateralized stablecoins include Basis stablecoin which has suspended its operations as of 2019.

Stablecoin Regulation

As stablecoins have grown in popularity, legal and regulatory bodies around the world have taken special notice of them. Several jurisdictions have started introducing regulatory frameworks for issuing and operating stablecoins in their respective territories.

In the US, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has recently released guidance regarding regulations related to stablecoins under the Bank Secrecy Act. The guidance mainly focused on stablecoins that operate as money transmission services and are therefore subject to regulation like traditional financial institutions.

In Europe, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England are also closely monitoring stablecoins and have issued alerts regarding their perceived risks. The ECB is in the process of studying stablecoins and their potential regulatory implications.

In Asia, the Monetary Authority of Singapore has proposed guidelines for the issuance of stablecoins. The guidelines aim to provide regulatory clarity on stablecoins, specifically with regards to anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) policies.


Q1. What is the importance of stablecoins?
A1. Stability makes stablecoins particularly suitable for transactions that require a stable value of payment, for example, online purchases, remittances, and micropayments.

Q2. How many types of stablecoins are there, and what are they?
A2. There are three main types of stablecoins – fiat-collateralized, crypto-collateralized, and non-collateralized.

Q3. Which regulatory bodies are monitoring stablecoins?
A3. Several regulatory bodies, including the FinCEN (US), European Central Bank, Bank of England, and Monetary Authority of Singapore, are monitoring stablecoins.

Q4. Are stablecoins subject to regulation?
A4. Yes, in most jurisdictions, stablecoins are subject to regulations like traditional financial institutions.

Q5. Can stablecoins be used for illegal activities like money laundering?
A5. As with any financial instrument, stablecoins can be used for illegal activities, including money laundering and terrorism financing. The regulatory frameworks for stablecoins aim to mitigate these risks.


Stablecoins offer a promising solution to the volatility problem that has plagued many cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, with their increasing popularity and adoption, there is a growing need for regulatory clarity and frameworks around stablecoins, especially with regards to their potential for illegal activities like money laundering and terrorism financing. Multiple regulatory and legal bodies around the world are closely monitoring stablecoins and have introduced frameworks to manage the risks of stablecoins while promoting innovation in the fintech industry. As stablecoins continue their upward trajectory, we can expect more regulatory bodies to take notice and chime in with their perspectives on this emerging field.